Friday 7 December 2012

Yves Saint Laurent; Shocking Mascara

(YSL Effet Faux Cils Shocking Mascara, £23)
Hi everyone, long time no speak!
Today's post is about my current favourite mascara. I picked his little beauty up in duty free when I was flying home from London last month. I had the blues from coming home, so I thought I would buy something to cheer myself up. I decided to go for a mascara because it's probably my favourite make up item to try out, and after reading Fleur De Force's post on this mascara back in the summer I thought I'd give this YSL Effet Faux Cils Shocking a go!

Firstly, YSL were not lying when they named this Shocking! It is probably the most dramatic mascara I have tried.  It's a very 'wet' (technical terminology) which I'm usually not a fan of as I feel it can give you spider-like lashes. However this one works wonderfully, particularly if you're looking for a great mascara for a night out. One downside of this product is the steep price tag, which I wouldn't usually spend, but this was a little splurge.

Overall, this is an amazing product and I would recommend it for a night out as it is a little dramatic for everyday use.  Definitely something you could put on the old Christmas list! 

Have you tried any of YSL's offerings? 

Catherine, xo
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