Friday 7 December 2012

Yves Saint Laurent; Shocking Mascara

(YSL Effet Faux Cils Shocking Mascara, £23)
Hi everyone, long time no speak!
Today's post is about my current favourite mascara. I picked his little beauty up in duty free when I was flying home from London last month. I had the blues from coming home, so I thought I would buy something to cheer myself up. I decided to go for a mascara because it's probably my favourite make up item to try out, and after reading Fleur De Force's post on this mascara back in the summer I thought I'd give this YSL Effet Faux Cils Shocking a go!

Firstly, YSL were not lying when they named this Shocking! It is probably the most dramatic mascara I have tried.  It's a very 'wet' (technical terminology) which I'm usually not a fan of as I feel it can give you spider-like lashes. However this one works wonderfully, particularly if you're looking for a great mascara for a night out. One downside of this product is the steep price tag, which I wouldn't usually spend, but this was a little splurge.

Overall, this is an amazing product and I would recommend it for a night out as it is a little dramatic for everyday use.  Definitely something you could put on the old Christmas list! 

Have you tried any of YSL's offerings? 

Catherine, xo


  1. I'd love to be able to afford mascara like this, by the looks of the wand in your picture it would be a great one to try out. I agree about the spidery lashes, but I do love a wet mascara! I am constantly on the lookout for a good lengthening mascara but none ever suffice!!! I'd love to see what the mascara looks like on you :)


    1. I may make a post on a few mascaras that I like and include photos of what they look like on, I'll definitely include this one! :)


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